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All riders know the benefits of a motorcycle over a car, but it’s important to acknowledge the differences. Especially when they could mean starting your road trip on a good note or a screaming note. When you drive a car on a road trip the process is pretty seamless. This convenience is part of the reason why so many first-time motorcycle road trippers have a negative experience and arrive at their destination grumpy and frustrated. Simply because most of these riders forget that they aren’t getting into a car and, because of this lack of thought, don’t plan or prepare appropriately.

Don't Let Bad Vibes Ruin Your Road Trip!

If you have recently got a bike or this is your first time taking yours out on a road trip, Jim Ackney has three great tips below to help make your trip an enjoyable one.

Watch Your Distance

How long do you think that you could drive a car for on a road trip? Think about it, you have a comfortable seat, drink holders at your disposal, people chatting, music playing, cruise control, stretching your arms and legs as you please. Chances are it’s a pretty impressive distance. Now think about how long you could ride your bike along the freeway. Think about it, you don’t have a comfortable seat, you don’t have any way to drink easily, nobody is talking to you, there isn’t any music, you definitely don’t have any form of cruise control and there is no safe way to stretch your limbs. Chances are it’s a very different answer. When you are planning your route, how far you can reach each day, your accommodation, and your advised ETAs, remember that you will need to stop more frequently than you would when driving a car. Look for scenic places along your route where you can get off the bike and give your body a good stretch. When it comes to giving your engine what it needs to keep going on a long road trip, click here to buy AMSOIL’s 20W-50 Synthetic V-Twin Motorcycle Oil which has been designed to get the most performance out of your engine and help protect its lifespan. To learn more about how your ride can benefit from a synthetic oil change Edmonton, AB Canada, speak with a professional at Jim Ackney by calling (780) 476-0545 or visit their online store to view a full range of products for any engine type.

A Different Relationship With the Weather

Apart from severe storms and hail, there isn’t too much damage that regular weather patterns can do while you are driving your car. Sure, the wind might blow you an inch or two to the side, but largely you’re protected by everything that the car has to offer. On a bike, however, it’s just you versus anything mother nature decides to throw at you. With this in mind, give more thought and consideration to the weather conditions on your journey. Not just at your destination, but also along your route. This is the easiest way to avoid getting stuck waiting under a bridge with other riders who didn’t plan their journey well. Instead of situations like this, look at when bad weather is expected to hit and plan around it. For example, plan to visit and explore a small town along your route during the times of expected poor weather. Another great tip is to mark out safe and comfortable places to stop if bad weather hits suddenly.

Stay Alert!

Even being behind the wheel of a car for too long can cause serious stress on your brain and cause you to become distracted. Taking your hand off the wheel for longer than you should or letting your mind drift away. While you are limited to what you can do on your bike, consider a good quality Bluetooth headset or earpiece. When these first debuted, their primary purpose was to receive and make phone calls. While they still perform this function, look for a good quality one which can integrate with your phone’s digital assistant, read and take dictation for messages, speak turn by turn directions, allow you to change the music and its volume, add items to a grocery list, etc. These can all be done just by using your voice and don’t require you to take your hands off the bars.

Give Your Bike the Best Treatment With a Synthetic Oil Change in Edmonton, AB Canada

These are three great tips that can help you prepare for and undertake an enjoyable motorbike road trip without arriving at your destination ready to sell your bike, buy a car, and drive yourself back home. Click here to buy the best synthetic oil designed to get the most performance out of your engine while helping to extend its lifespan. Visit Jim Ackney’s online store or give them a call at (780) 476-0545 and speak with an expert to find out which product is best suited to your engine.