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The start of the new year is the best time to review which bad driving habits you should leave behind! To that end, keep reading this post by Jim Ackney in Edmonton.

Happy 2023! As always, the start of a new year brings us a sense of motivation to be and do better. For most, that usually means getting rid of poor old habits such as smoking or not exercising enough. As for vehicle owners, it all comes down to avoiding unsafe, bad driving habits. Unsafe driving can be detrimental to our car's lifespan, and most importantly, it can put ourselves and others at risk. So, to steer clear of careless driving this year, keep reading this post by Jim Ackney! In it, you'll find the bad driving habits you must avoid to become the best driver you can be.

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6 Bad Driving Habits to Avoid This Year

Neglecting Car Service

Putting off your car's service is detrimental to its performance and service life. Yet, we've all fallen into this bad habit due to lack of money or because we are too busy with urgent day-to-day tasks. Either way, avoid postponing car maintenance at all costs. Keep in mind that repairing an unattended car is more expensive than servicing it on time. Also, driving a neglected vehicle puts you at a higher risk of having an accident. So, to enjoy safer rides all year round, make an effort to follow your car's maintenance schedule as specified in the owner's manual.

Getting Distracted at the Wheel

Driving a car requires us to keep our hands at the wheel, our eyes on the road, and our minds focused on our driving. Despite this, there are many distractions we face behind the wheel. Things like making calls, eating, or checking the phone while driving are hazardous. Say, for example, that while running at 55 mph, you decide to read a text message. Even if that takes you five seconds, that brief moment is the equivalent of driving across a football field blind. So, to avoid putting yourself and others in danger, stay alert on the road and don't allow yourself to be a distracted driver.

Ignoring Traffic Signs

As drivers, we must obey regulatory, warning, and guide signs in our way. These traffic signs ease traffic flow and ensure all road users' safety. Still, some drivers ignore them in a risky attempt to save time or take shortcuts. Some run stop signs, and others fail to yield when signaled. The bottom line is, ignoring traffic signs is a reckless driving habit you must avoid, as it can put you and others at risk.

Call Jim Ackney at (780) 476-0545 to learn which formulas and products are the ideal choices for your engine. Remember to browse AMSOIL's online store to place your order and get the top synthetic oil in Edmonton at your doorstep.

Not Wearing a Seatbelt

The seat belt is one of the vehicle's most reliable safety mechanisms. According to Road Safety Canada Consulting, buckling up reduces the risk of death by 47% and the risk of serious injury by 52%. Despite this, some drivers carry their passengers unbuckled or neglect to use their seat belts themselves. Needless to say, you must avoid this bad driving habit to ensure safe and reliable driving. Don't disregard the potential dangers of the road, and always buckle yourself and your passengers up.

Misusing the Pedals

A common mistake among new drivers is using the pedals aggressively in the city. That means slamming on the accelerator between traffic lights and braking abruptly. Aside from being hazardous, reckless pedaling forces the engine to shift gears continuously, which leads to excessive fuel consumption. To improve your pedal use, try to speed up and brake smoothly and gradually. Both your car and your wallet will significantly benefit.

Aggressive Driving

Lastly, one of the bad driving habits you should avoid is falling into aggressive driving. Things like honking or yelling at other drivers are common ways to vent on the road. Yet, such stress-fueled habits can escalate and turn into road rage. Of course, remaining calm when tension builds up in traffic can be challenging, but still, it's safer. So, regardless of the inconveniences you may encounter on your way, avoid getting involved in road disputes. Remember that the most important thing is to get home safely.

Ensure safer driving by giving your engine the best synthetic oil change in Edmonton. For advice on which top-shelf products to use during your vehicle's routine maintenance, call the oil pros at Jim Ackney at (780) 476-0545. To get acquainted with the entire AMSOIL catalog, stop by AMSOIL's website anytime.