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Ethanol and Your Bike's Engine

It is clear that E10 gasoline has a negative effect on a motorcycle’s performance, increases fuel cost, and increases maintenance expenses. Pure regular gasoline at the pump is getting harder and harder to find, leaving motorcycle riders increasingly stuck with ethanol blends that are not ideal formulations of gasoline.

Pure Unleaded Gasoline

Most motorcycle manufacturers urge owners to use pure gasoline in their motorcycles. ;In fact, manufacturers of almost all internal combustion engines that run on gasoline recommend gasoline without ethanol for best performance and efficiency.

Ethanol-related problems for motorcyclists:

  • Exposure to alcohol can rust metal fuel-system parts and warp or otherwise damage parts of rubber, plastic, and other sealing materials.
  • Ethanol soaks up water from everything, including air. Once alcohol in gasoline has soaked up enough water, it causes phase separation and water contamination.
  • Fuel has a shorter shelf life
  • Creates engine deposits

How To Prevent Damage From E10 Fuel

High-quality fuel additives can help your engine deal with the effects of E10 gasoline. When searching for the right fuel additive, look for one that isn’t made of alcohol. Many of today’s fuel additives that are alcohol based can worsen the problem. Instead of fixing ethanol related problems, they add to them. Remember to read labels carefully, and if you are not sure if a product has alcohol, you can always ask. Alcohol is known by many names when used as an additive.

Some of these are:

  • Propanol or isopropanol
  • Methanol
  • Ch3OH
  • Carbinol
  • N-Butoxyethanol
A well-managed additive program and regular maintenance per the manufacturer will go a long way towards keeping your bike running well.

Synthetic Oil in Edmonton

If you are looking for the best AMSOIL Synthetic Oil in Edmonton, contact ;Jim ;Ackney, your local ;AMSOIL dealer in Edmonton, Alberta. Call ;(780) 476-0545. You can shop all ;AMSOIL ;products for your lubrication, filtration, and additive needs at ;our online store.