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Neglecting an overheated engine can cause irreversible damage to your car. Keep reading this post by Jim Ackney in Edmonton to learn about the warning signs and steps to take if your engine overheats.

Engine overheating is one of the most common concerns among drivers as it can cause costly and even permanent damage under the hood. Whether the cause lies in a coolant leak, radiator damage, or a broken water pump, excess heat in the engine can melt materials and evaporate or thicken fluids vital to its operation, hence the importance of keeping your vehicle running at optimal temperature range. As you may know, following your vehicle's maintenance routine is key to preventing the temperature from rising within your engine. Nonetheless, it's also crucial to know the warning signs and the steps you must take in dealing with an overheated engine safely and effectively; to that end, keep reading the tips gathered below by Jim Ackney in Edmonton.

Keep your vehicle in its best condition by giving it a synthetic oil change in Edmonton. Contact Jim Ackney at (780) 476-0545 or visit AMSOIL's website for more information about AMSOIL's top-quality formulas and products.

Warning Signs That Your Engine is Overheating

First, let's go over the warning signs of overheating. Knowing them is essential to respond to the problem as soon as it appears; otherwise, the temperature could keep rising; thus causing permanent engine damage; having noted that, here are some signs you shouldn't ignore:
  • Your temperature warning light is on / your temperature gauge is pointing to the red mark: First, pay attention to the temperature gauge on your dashboard to monitor the heat within the engine. Some newer car models have a warning light on the dashboard that pops up when the engine is overheating; however, most cars have a needle temperature gauge. When the engine is at the right temperature, the needle sits right in the center of the gauge; however, be alert in case the needle gets closer to the red mark because that indicates the engine temperature is rising.
  • Low engine performance: As you can imagine, heat also affects your engine's performance; this usually occurs because high temperatures can thicken engine oil, which dents the oil's ability to circulate through the engine to lubricate it; consequently, friction between moving parts increases, resulting in problems with acceleration or starting.
  • You see steam coming out of the hood: When smoke comes out of the hood, it usually means that coolant is evaporating due to a damaged radiator. Coolant needs to pass through the radiator to cool down after collecting heat as it circulates through the engine; therefore, a damaged radiator can result in the coolant having no way to lower its temperature; and as a result, it burns and turns to vapor.
  • You perceive a sweet smell: You perceive a sweet smell: When the coolant burns and evaporates, it emits a sweet smell, like burnt syrup; hence the importance of keeping your sense of smell alert to any unusual whiffs.

If you are looking for a top formula to provide your engine with superior protection against excessive heat and friction, try AMSOIL's Signature Series 5W-50 Synthetic Motor Oil. Call Jim Ackney at (780) 476-0545 or visit AMSOIL's online shop to place an order on the most effective synthetic oil in Edmonton.

How to Deal With an Overheated Engine

After noticing the signs of overheating, follow the steps listed below immediately to prevent the temperature from continuing to rise inside your engine:
  1. Once you notice signs of overheating, pull up your vehicle in a safe area, leave the hazard lights on, and turn off the engine. Doing this quickly is very important to stop friction and the rising temperature.
  2. It will take about 20 to 30 minutes for your engine to cool down, so the next step is to wait for the gauge on your dashboard to reach a safe enough temperature to open the hood and check the engine. You may use this waiting time to review your owner's manual instructions on overheating troubleshooting.
  3. Once the engine has cooled down, open the hood and check the cooling system. Take a look at the radiator to determine if it's broken, then inspect the hoses for obstructions. If there is visible damage, you'll need a professional mechanic's evaluation; therefore, contact roadside assistance immediately to have your vehicle towed to the nearest shop.
  4. If nothing seems wrong with the cooling system, the next thing to do is check the coolant levels. If the reservoir is almost empty, add coolant or water.
  5. Finally, take your vehicle to the nearest workshop. While driving, keep an eye on the temperature gauge to stop if the temperature rises again. Once you find a mechanic, ask them to look into the problem and have your cooling system thoroughly checked to get your car back in good condition.

Staying on top of your vehicle maintenance can help you avoid an overheated engine. Reach out to Jim Ackney at (780) 476-0545 and talk with their oil specialists about the benefits of switching to the most effective synthetic oil in Edmonton. Don't forget to browse AMSOIL's online store to place an order on the top-performing formulas for your vehicle.