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If you want to make the best decision for your vehicle's maintenance you need to be well-informed, which is why you shouldn't believe myths about synthetic oil. To learn the truth about some of these, read this post by Jim Ackney in Edmonton.

Myths have served many purposes along the story of human kind, such as the spreading of news, religion, culture, and knowledge. Still, even though myths can be fun stories that have a function, believing myths as if they were 100% real can be counter-productive. For example, believing certain myths regarding your vehicle's maintenance can lead you to not making the best decisions for it. That's why, you should always search for the truth so you can find the right information and decide what's best for your vehicle's lifespan, performance, and overall maintenance. To help you in this department, this post will debunk some of the most common myths about synthetic oil, so you can learn what the best option for your engine is.

If you want to maintain your vehicle perfectly, use the absolute best products for it. Call Jim Ackney at (780) 476-0545, or visit AMSOIL's online shop to place an order for AMSOIL's full range of high quality products, including the top synthetic oil in Edmonton.

The Truth Behind Synthetic Oil Stories

You Need Conventional Oil to Break the Engine In

First, there's the myth that you should break the engine in with conventional oil. This, more than a myth, is outdated information. In the past, it was true but nowadays, with the advancement of technology, you can employ synthetic oil even from the first time.

Synthetic Oil Isn't Natural at All

There's also the myth that synthetic oil is completely man-made. However, both conventional and synthetic oil comes from natural oil. The difference between the two comes from the different processes they undergo in the lab afterwards.

If you want to keep your engine in mint condition for years to come, you need AMSOIL's full range of high quality products. Call Jim Ackney at (780) 476-0545, or visit AMSOIL's online shop to purchase the best synthetic oil in Edmonton.

Synthetic Oil Voids the Warranty

This myth is completely wrong on every aspect. There's no reason why synthetic oil would void your vehicle's warranty. As a matter of fact, certain manufacturers recommend its use. In truth, as long as you do a good job at keeping up with your vehicle's requirements, you shouldn't worry about the warranty.

It Causes Cracks and Leaks

This is another myth that's wrong on every aspect. The thing is that it can seem that synthetic oil causes cracks and leaks because it's thinner, meaning it will find those pre-existing issues easily. In any case, if your engine is leaking, visit your mechanic promptly.

Keep your engine going strong and healthy for years to come with the continued use AMSOIL Signature Series 5W-30 Synthetic Motor Oil, the most effective synthetic oil in Edmonton.

There's No Turning Back

The oil you. choose for your vehicle, be it synthetic or conventional,  doesn't have to be a definitive decision. This means that you absolutely can switch between the two as your preferences and your needs change, so don't worry about it.

You Don't Have to Change It

Synthetic oil, while more resistant than conventional oil, must be changed with some regularity. This, to make sure that your engine remains protected and lubricated as expected. Change the synthetic oil around twice a year to guarantee an engine in perfect working condition for longer.

Save time and money on your vehicle's maintenance with AMSOIL's full range of products. Call Jim Ackney at (780) 476-0545, or visit AMSOIL's online shop for more information on their top performing products.

There's No Need to Change the Oil Filter

Once again, this myth can be dangerous. The oil filter should be changed with every synthetic oil change. This, to prevent that all of the filth, gunk, dust, and other nastiness that gets trapped in it reaches your engine and affect its performance and lifespan.

Synthetic Oil is More Expensive

Finally, synthetic oil isn't more expensive. Yes, the bottle on the market has a higher price point. However, when you consider how much you'll save due to its superior performance in lubrication and protection, you'll find that it's actually the cheaper alternative.

Guarantee you'll keep your engine working as expected for years to come. Call Jim Ackney at (780) 476-0545, or visit AMSOIL's online shop to place an order for the best products for it, including the most effective synthetic oil in Edmonton.